Top 12 Keys From Movies

-1- Alice in Wonderland – After following The White Rabbit down the rabbit hole, Alice falls into a small room locked by a teeny, tiny door.
-2- The Fifth Element – The Mondoshawan Tomb Key is probably one of the greatest fiction looking keys and of course it deserves a place in this chart.
-3- Kingdom Hearts – The Kingdom Key is the most iconic Keyblade in the Kingdom Hearts video game series.
-4- Lost – In “Lost” movie there is a metal hatch buried in the ground, and the characters are unlocking it using the Hatch Key.
-5- The Goonies – In this movie thanks to the Copper Bones Key characters are able to unlock a secret door and continue their search for the treasure.
-6- Indian in the Cupboard – The Cupboard Key – one turn of this key, and the toys within the cupboard come to life – yes – every child’s dream!
-7- The Secret Garden- The Secret locked garden and the key that opens it is one of the most great stories, we recommend you to see it.
-8- The Hobbit – The is no need to explain the power of The Key to Erebor, one of the most popular and loved keys ( and movie) from this list.
-9- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest – The Key to Dead Man’s Ches …well it is adventurous and this is one of coolest fantasy sotories .
-10- National Treasure – The Meerschaum Pipe and the fact that it not only acts as a pipe, but also an ink roller & a key is amazing .
-11- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – The Winged Keys they are so spectacular with their flying skills and looks, it is just magnificent.
-12- The Da Vinci Code – How can we not mention The Fleur De Lis Bank Key from this stunning movie.Gorgeous key opens an extremely high-tech safe, this is one of the electric moments in the movie.